Saturday, August 4, 2012

Splash And Dash

Today Ben participated in the American Cancer Foundation's Spash and Dash fundraiser in Magna. It was an event organized around cancer survivors and it featured an all night relay and the chance to dunk someone in a tank of water.

The featured speaker was Mark Shurtleff, Utah's Republican Attorney General, who survived a much publicized bout with cancer. As he delivered his remarks he saw Ben in the crowd and decided to deviate from his script.

Shurtleff said the fight against cancer demanded that politicians set aside partisanship and work together to create programs that will find a cure. Then he identified Ben as just that kind of politician; the kind who reaches out in a bipartisan way to find solutions. 

It was a wonderfully affirming gesture from a man who knows how trivial politics can be when compared to the gravity of life itself.

Mayor Caroon was also in attendance. He and Ben chatted for a few moments before Ben's appointed time at the dunking tank. 

It was a wonderful time in behalf of a great cause. Below are some photos and one terrific video that record the event. Enjoy...

Ben with Peter Caroon

Ben Gets Dunked For A Good Cause

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