Saturday, August 11, 2012

I'm Resigning

Did you read the Ben McAdams endorsement in the University of Utah Chronicle? If you're interested in Ben, or in the race for county mayor, it's really worth your time.

For those of us who are already Ben supporters it covers some known territory. That includes the blood donation story, but with a new twist. We already knew the proceeds paid for dates with Julie, but now we learn they also financed his political science degree.

(For a guy of average height he sure gave a lot of blood. By his senior year he must have looked like Nosferatu.)

That aside, there was one passage in the article that, for me, was both new and compelling. Let me quote it for you here…

After his Hinckley internship, McAdams served as ASUU president. During his campaign, McAdams wanted to broaden the student government’s services to reach everyone, particularly student mothers. McAdams saw this underrepresented and vulnerable demographic as a group in need of help, so he founded the U’s child-care center.

Did you read that last paragraph? Well, read it again.

Recalling the time when I was a junior in college, let me assure you that the plight of coed mothers was not on my mind. Yes, coeds were very much on my mind, but coed mothers and their special challenges… not so much.

So how does that issue enter the head of a twenty something year old Mormon boy from West Bountiful?

And if by a miracle that should happen, why would he then think he could use that issue to run for an office that by default goes to "Joe Cool?"

Of course, all of this is precedent. Fast forward ten years, put Ben in the State Senate, and substitute "LGBT" for "co-ed mothers."

Ben's Mother
So again, how does that happen?

How does someone born in the waters of a hyper-conservative culture acquire that kind of insight - that kind of sensitivity? Even more curious, how does that "someone" wind up passing bills and winning elections?

Verily, verily I say unto you, it's not possible that anyone with a "Y" chromosome could come to that place on his own.

I know.  I'm a man.

The more I thought about it, the more I agonized over it.

There was something profoundly important and essential, but I just couldn't see it.

Then, at last, there was good news.

After fasting and contemplation it came to me. Not just the intimation of truth, but the promise of a new calling.

Therefore, I'm announcing my resignation from the Ben for County Mayor campaign.

Starting immediately I will be leading an exploratory committee incorporated under the following title…


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