Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Making Mr. Brinton Happy

There's a link on the new Mark Crockett for County Mayor Facebook Page. It takes us to a letter in the Deseret News. Lee Brinton, the fellow who submitted the letter, is riled up about user fees that pay for Unified Police Department Protection. He complains that county government, because of these fees, raised his property taxes by 14%.

"I can't afford them any longer," he says, "Mark Crockett is a proven tax fighter and budget hound with the guts to face reality. I can't afford anything less."

I won't pass judgement on Mr. Brinton's assertion regarding taxes. I do know the user fee initiative favored by Mayor Caroon is controversial. No one likes to pay more for government services, and the arguments for and against this revenue device are beyond my expertise, or the scope of this blog.

But for our purposes here, let's stipulate to Mr. Brinton's complaint that county government "spent our tax dollars on things far less important than police protection."

What's more, let's even stipulate to his assertion that, "Mark Crockett is a proven tax fighter and budget hound with the guts to face reality." (Personally, I'm not so confident about Crockett's grasp on reality. But he does hate taxes, in fact, you could make a case that he hates government - period.)

What's more, let's say that the UPD is by far the county's highest priority, and that it should be funded exclusively by revenue diverted from other programs.

So, no new taxes.

Heck, I'll even do one better. Let's insist on a tax cut!

Now, does it follow you should vote for Mark Crockett?

No, not in a million years.

And why?

The two qualifications Crockett would have for Mr. Brinton's support are a visceral hatred of taxes, and experience in business finance. That is where it begins, and unfortunately, that's also where it ends.

In a democracy the ability to effect change depends solely on your ability to lead by convincing and inspiring others to follow you. That's the essence of leadership, and with Mark Crockett that's the missing piece.

As a one term un-reelected councilman he wasn't famous for his achievements. The one lasting impression he left behind was as a condescending hot-head enraged by those who disagreed with him. Ultimately, he could have announced the council chambers were on fire and his colleagues would have gone up in flames just to spite him.

That defect in personality is one reason for the current insurrection by Republican mayors opposing his candidacy. Crockett is a tough guy to like, and an even tougher guy to follow.

But there's one other reason Mr Brinton should reconsider. And that's a nasty little secret about his opponent, Ben McAdams. Yes, if measured soley by his values, McAdams is a Democrat. He loves education, human rights, conservation, clean air etc. etc.

But he's also the cheapest Democrat on the planet.

If he had his way we'd have pay toilets at campaign headquarters. The great reputation he earned in the State senate for getting things done was not purchased with a single taxpayer dime. That unique blend of progressiveness and a loathing for red ink is an important source of his bi-partisan support.

Would I call him a liberal or a conservative? No. He's different. I'd classify him as an idealistic cheapskate, and one of the most charming kind.

Precisely the sort of leader who would make Mr. Brinton happy.

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