Sunday, July 22, 2012

Draper Parade

As of right now Draper was the last scheduled parade of the summer. It's hard to believe both that this much of summer has passed, and that the remaining parades exclude politicians. (Isn't that like a circus excluding elephants?)

The route was long, the crowds large and friendly. So many "Ben McAdams" fans were waving that you could feel the breeze while walking in the parade.

At the end I walked back with T.J. toward his parked car. Our route paralleled the parade. Typically, I don't see the parades I'm in so it was nice to observe Miss Magna holding court, high school bands playing patriotic songs, and rival politicians throwing candy to the crowd.

One of the floats belonged to Darkside Tactical which described itself as "your friendly neighborhood weapons dealer." A fellow accompanying the float saw my Ben McAdams "Believe in Equality" t-shirt. He walked over, said "Here equality!" and stuffed a flyer in my hand for 20% off on weapons training. His expression made that offer look more like an insult.

The experience felt like a sweet old lady patting my hand and saying, "You're such a nice man." Occasionally it's reassuring to know that some people regard you poorly.

That said, here is a selection of photos I took of the Draper event.

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