Thursday, July 12, 2012

Ben's Haircut

Try doing a Google search under the “News” tab for Ben McAdams. As of this moment the most highly cited news story in which Ben’s name is mentioned is in City Weekly. Its title? “Crockett To Benefit From Mitt-Mania In SLCO Mayor’s Race”

The article begins by characterizing Ben as “wildly popular,” but then goes on to use those same words to describe Mitt Romney (at least among Utah voters.) The conclusion is that wildly popular or not, Mark Crockett “...has a huge advantage working in his favor... and Mitt-mania can only help out the election of Crockett.”

The article also notes that Crockett’s candidacy echoes Romney in ways both silly and serious. Count among the “silly” the article's characterization of both candidates having “wholesome stake-president hair.” Count among the “serious” their similar reliance on business expertise as a primary qualification for public office.

So, will voters, even Republican voters, look at Mark Crockett and see Mitt Romney? I wonder.

According to the Tribune, Republican turnout jumped from 32% in the previous comparable primary to 37% in this primary. So, if the general election mirrors the primary, the statewide Republican turnout will increase about 16% from previous levels of turnout. (The turnout among Salt Lake County Republicans will likely be higher, but their past turnout is also higher.)

However, what, exactly, will be motivating these new Republican voters? Will it be party affiliation and an enthusiasm for Crockett’s Tea Party ideology?

No. These additional Republican voters are the least motivated of all Republican voters. They will be voting in this election only because Mitt Romney is a member of their religious faith. Just as I presume a number of Utah Democrats will be voting for Romney in this election for the very same reason.

They will all exercise their franchise for one man, and for one reason. Now, with that said, it’s unclear to me if your primary motive is electing a devout Mormon, why you’d pass by Ben McAdams’ name. (In fact, to the extent that sentiment exists, it might actually work to Ben’s advantage.)

So yes, Mitt Romney will have an effect on the coming general election. Though that effect is probably not as large, nor as unambiguous as you might expect. (However, if I were Ben, I would take a second look at my haircut.)  

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