Saturday, June 16, 2012

A Very Lucky Man

In yesterday's post, titled "I Hate That Pause," I discussed the importance of name recognition. To that point, notice some of the Ben McAdams campaign buttons I have laying around.

I wonder, does everyone make an instant association of navy blue and orange with Ben McAdams? Personally, my first thought is of the Chicago Bears.

I'm not being completely critical. Through the convention season these buttons made more sense. We were dealing with a unique and highly informed audience.

But now, if I wear a nameless blue and orange button on the streets of Magna, I doubt many people will think, "Ahhh, Ben McAdams."

And the word "Ben" alone probably isn't enough either. At least not yet.

The good news is that some profligate volunteer gave most of these buttons away at the Pride Festival. New ones are on order. I hope they all bear the name "BEN McADAMS" in very large capital letters.


Looking for a good biographical source on Ben? I was Googling the archives over the weekend and re-read an article from 2010. It's a Trib bio piece done by Derek Jensen titled, "Utah's newest senator - he's LDS, liberal and rising rapidly."

I'd recommend it.


It's true, Ben McAdams once ranked as a super nova in my firmament of stars. But that's over. He's been eclipsed and replaced.

Julie McAdams, his wife, has taken his place.

A few days ago, late in the evening, I was working on a post for McAdams Apple. One I was intent on finishing. Then, right next to the keyboard, my cell phone started to rattle and ring. It was a new number, a picture of a friend didn't fill the screen.

My first thought was to let this call drop into voice mail. But I'm glad I didn't.

It was Julie McAdams. Knowing that without actually seeing her I'd have no idea who she was, she said "Hello, George, this is Julie, Julie McAdams."

I was dumbstruck. I offered a greeting, but assumed she must have the wrong number. There must be another George... a George Schwartz perhaps.

But no, it was me she was after. Julie explained that her call was a simple thank you for what I had done for the campaign. "You already know Ben appreciates it," she said, "but I thought it was important for you to know that I do to."

What a truly gracious act. Yes, Ben is a generous person who knows how to show gratitude, but for some reason this call from Julie really rocked my boat.

It could not have been more kind, or more thoughtful. I was genuinely touched.

Obviously, Ben is a very lucky man.

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