Thursday, June 21, 2012

An In Kind Donation

The Trib article “McAdams outpaces GOP foes in mayoral money race,” was certainly excellent news. 


Here are some various impressions of what just happened...


The fact that Ben was able to dwarf either of his two possible Republican challengers in the money race (for the last reporting period) was no mean feat. Individually, neither of them even came close to Ben. 

However, and unfortunately, Ben won’t be facing both of these Republicans in the general election. He’ll be facing one. So I did the math, and combined Winder’s donations with the donations that Crockett didn’t give himself, and wound up with about $111,000. That’s still 30% less than Ben was given during the same period.


Of course, all this money is designed to do something, and that’s to win public notice. My guess is that over the last two months the contest for publicity goes to the Republicans. They’ve had a fiercely contested race, strong media coverage, and at least two broadcast debates.

Yet, during this reporting period Ben has not just out earned his potential rivals, he has flat out worked them. (Check the campaign calendar at headquarters. His next breath is scheduled for July 6th.) However, the term “primary election” has guided the media spotlight to the Republicans, at least temporarily

Ben’s passbook showing a $98,000 balance isn’t the sort of story that generates compelling video.


All of this didn’t happen simply because Ben has great charisma or a more generous following.... though those things may well be true. 

They were the fruit of hard, persistent work. 

Many times, when I was at headquarters, I’d grow weary of calling people to volunteer. So I’d get up from my desk, take a stretch, and wander down the hall hoping to give the refrigerator or the snack cabinet a close inspection.  

About halfway down that hall is Ben’s office, and his door is always open... at least a crack. There he’d be, leaning over his desk, receiver in hand with Joey taking notes. They’d be making call after call, asking good and generous people for financial support. 

Then I’d ask myself, would I rather be making the calls that I’m making, or the calls that Ben’s making?

No contest. I’d reconsider my errand, label the decision not to eat a candy bar an “in kind donation,” and return to my desk.   

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