Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Primary Watch Party

Last night was the Ben McAdams Primary Watch Party. The main intention was to have a party, but the subsidiary motive was to find out who Ben would be facing in the general election.

Our main intention was fulfilled in grand style, but as to our subsidiary motive we failed completely.

The gap between this weekend’s Dan Jones poll, and last night’s stalemate between Winder and Crockett, is open to interpretation. My guess is that Crockett was able to close the five point gap for two reasons. First, he successfully questioned Winder’s character during the closing weeks of the campaign, and second, the turnout was very, very low.

Unfortunately, zealots intent on burning down the government always prosper when the broader electorate sits on their hands. Reactionaries are committed, and they make it to the polls whenever there’s a candidate who smells of gasoline.

Anyway, we did party hardy, and once the recount is concluded we’ll be well positioned to face either Crockett or Winder.

Below are some pictures taken at headquarters last night. If you were there, I hope you made it into one of the photos, if you didn’t make it to the party, we missed you.

"Did you hear the one about Mark Crockett
in a coon skin hat?"

OK, the joke wasn't that funny. 

Tonight's musical accompaniment 
provided by JoJo

The crowd begins to spill out the front door.

Ben, Ashley Sumner and Jim Dabakis, 
the Utah Democratic Party Chair.

 Our campaign's youth caucus
consults on the election results. 

Julie McAdams, never more than five feet away 
from someone waist high or shorter. 

Martha Camarillo making sure everyone
pays the cover at the door. No excuses!

Our campaign interns. 
Each comes with a very small carbon foot print. 
They're sustained entirely by popsicles. 

"Honey, do you think we'll cover the spread?
I had Winder by five. 

My sister Donna on the right. 
(Included only because she'd kill me otherwise.)

See the two red bars at the bottom of the screen -
the two of equal length? They stayed just like that
all night long. 

1 comment:

  1. Clever, George! I'm going to watch my facial expressions around you from now on and wonder what words you're putting in to my mouth! :) Thanks again for another entertaining read.
