Monday, June 11, 2012

Chocolate Milk

In Paul Rolly's Tribune column today there's a cute little story about seven year old Lauren Crockett. She's the daughter of Mark Crockett, who's in a race with Mike Winder for the Republican nomination to be Mayor of Salt Lake County.

The story starts with Lauren boasting to her friends that her daddy is going to be the next Mayor of Salt Lake County. But then Judy, her mother, steps in to correct her. She tells her naive daughter that there's one minor obstacle. The man whose name appears on their chocolate milk cooler might beat Daddy.

The little girl replies, "If Daddy doesn't win, will we still be able to drink chocolate milk?"

That is a sweet story. However, Mommy ought to tell little Lauren that more stands between Daddy and the mayor's office than Mike Winder's chocolate milk.  

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