Monday, June 18, 2012

A Sign for Winder, Or a Sign of Winder?

Did you know that Mike Winder is the Mayor of West Valley City?

OK, that fact probably isn't lost on you.

Did you know that West Valley City has an ordinance forbidding the placement of political signs, or any signs for that matter, on public land?

Again, that probably sounds obvious. You'd assume every city, the County, and the State forbids putting up political signs on public property.

Your assumption would be correct. Sign ordinances are remarkably similar everywhere. In fact, here's a quote from the West Valley sign ordinance Title 11 that could be a template for every municipal code in the country...
(Ord. No. 01‐50 Amended 07/03/2001)
No sign shall be located on publicly‐owned land, within public rights‐of‐way, or otherwise, except by written permission of the City...
Now take a trip along the Van Winkle Express Way, particularly where it intersects with I 215. You'll see a huge number of Mike Winder signs that have one thing in common. They are all on public property. And these aren't the small signs on the end of a stake commonly given out to supporters. These are as much as three feet across and almost as high.

You suppose Mike Winder doesn't know they're illegal?

You suppose this is being done by rogue elements of an over-enthusiastic campaign team?

You might have thought that a remote possibility until you saw Mike Winder arrive, alone, at last weekend's South Jordan City Festival. He got out of his West Valley municipally owned car, grabbed some "Mike Winder" signs, and then began placing them on public land until he was approached by security staff.

That conversation wasn't overheard, but no doubt it had to do with an ordinance with which he is already quite familiar.


  1. I've seen them over here along State Street on my way to SLCC. They are all on public property too.

  2. It would have been great to get a photo of that encounter!

  3. I sent an email to the Winder campaign complaining about their signs. How ironic is it that he wants to be the Mayor yet has no problem with people violating County Ordinances in his name?

    SLCo Ordinance 19.82.120 - Signs on public property.
    No sign shall be located on publicly owned land or inside street rights-of-way except signs required and erected by permission of an authorized public agency. Signs shall include, but not be limited to, handbills, posters, advertisements or notices that are fastened, placed, posted, painted or attached in any way upon any curbstone, lamppost, telephone pole, telegraph pole, electric light or power pole, hydrant, bridge, tree, rock, sidewalk or street.
