Monday, January 28, 2013

As Soon As He's Free

I’ve begun to settle into my new assignment as Constituent Services Specialist in the McAdams’ administration. What’s it like?

 It’s hugely fun and rewarding, but the best single word to describe it is “various.”

Various, because dealing with constituents is only part of what I do. Various, because constituents themselves are various, and so are their problems.

Let me describe the sort of incident that makes my job a real joy.

There was a man with the dawning realization that he had not received a bill for street improvements in a very long time. He was sure the assessment had not reached its end, but there was no bill, and his check register gave no hint of any payments for a very long time.

His voice was stressed, and his manner betrayed grave concern. Visions of a tax sale haunted his waking thoughts and destroyed his sleep.
I asked him for his address and promised to follow up.

It’s true the quality of our personnel at Salt Lake County is superb, they’re hard working people and very consciences. But it’s also true that when I call someone their caller ID flashes in bold blue letters, “BEN MCADAMS.”

My calls seldom have to ring twice

A few moments later a division director and an assistant division director were standing in front of my desk. It seems this man’s bills had been sent to the wrong address. A few moments after that I was calling to tell him that all penalties and interest charges had been erased.
For that man this day suddenly became Christmas, and I was Santa Claus. (“And I’m being paid to do this?” I thought.)
That was a wonderful moment, and something like it happens almost every day.

Then there are the calls that fall under the category of “Comic Relief.” A few days ago an elderly woman called to complain that a game of ping pong was being played too loudly at her senior center. 
Her request?
She wasn’t interested in having me quiet the ping pong game, or even end it. No, she wanted Ben to ask her husband why HE wasn’t ending the “damn ping pong game.” Why wasn’t HE doing what his wife requested?

“Yes maam, I’ll bring this up with the Mayor just as soon he’s free. “
And there you have my day, from the ridiculous to the sublime, and every last drop of it incredibly fun.

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